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Episode correspondant : 306 Real Estate

Source : Haven Maine Wikia

Halloween Prank Leaves Fabled Haven Landmark In Ruins

What started as a seemingly innocent Halloween nigh prank turned into a potentially deadly disaster when a group of Haven High School teenagers detonated a small homemade explosive outside the condemned Holloway house––rumored to be haunted for decades––on Marsten Road. The small blast inadvertently triggered a chain of explosions that left only a pile of rubble where the infamous house once stood.
"When you look at the destruction here it's easy to see that things could have gone much, much worse," said Haven Police Chief Nathan Wuornos. "Thankfully, no one was hurt, but that's really a miracle considering the size and force of the explosion. If anyone had been unlucky enough to be in the Holloway house, or even nearby, this would be a very different conversation."
Investigators at the Holloway house report that the age, poor condition, and shoddy installation of the gas lines running into the home––which has been abandoned for more than 20 years––may have contrib- uted to the alarming size of the explosion, which could be seen from miles away.
Permits and planning documents from the time the house was built show that owner Roland Holloway –who teens whiper still haunts the halls of his formerhome – personally built and installed much of the infrastructure, and investigators suspect he skirted certain building codes to save time and money.
"If the gas lines had been buried at the appropriate depth, and if Holloway had properly disposed of hazardous and potentially combustible building materials stored in his basement, then this never would have happened," Wuornos said. "Don't get me wrong, these kids are in a lot of trouble, but they never could have made something at home capable of creating this kind of destruction."
The teenagers, whose names are being withheld pending further investigation into the alleged crime, reportedly said they learned to build the small explosive in a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook they found online. Made from readily accessible household items – such as match heads and orange juice concentrate – the bomb was supposed to produce a blast comparable to a consumer-grade firecracker.

— by Vince Teagues, Herald Staff Writer

Local Psychiatrist Takes Home Top Honors In The Haven Herald's Halloween Costume Contest

This year's Golden Ghost for Best Halloween Costume went to local psychiatrist Claire Callahan for her Buffy the Vampire Slayer-inspired cheerleader costume, complete with a wooden stake for slaying undead denizens.
Despite stiff competition from several Haven residents – including Dwight Hendrickson's gunslinger outfit and Tina Teagarden's decidedly adult spin on the Little Bo Peep nursery thyme – Callahan was awarded high marks in the categories of originality and execution.
Several judges said they were at first surprised, then quite pleased, to learn that Callahan wasn't just a cheerleader. "I don't understand what's so hard to get," Callahan said during her acceptance speech. "I have a stake––a big wooden stake. I'm not going to be pitching any tents in this getup, so this stake would only be for one thing slaying vampires. Doesn't anyone here watch TV? Next year I'm just going to dress as Jessica Fletcher and save myself the trouble of having to explain it."
The editors of The Haven Herald would like to point out that, as hosts of the annual Horrific Haunted Halloween Hangout, neither Vince nor Dave Teagues were eligible to win the Golden Ghost––though several attendees said their costumes were exceptional.

— by Vince Teagues

Ecrit par pretty31 

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